There's a Duplicate Payment on my Bank Statement

Duplicate payments can be really frustrating! A duplicate payment can definitely throw things off. First thing, don’t panic! You need to act swiftly to resolve this. Here’s what you should do immediately:

  1. Contact Your Bank Right Away: Call them or go to a branch in person if you can. Explain the situation and make sure they understand it’s urgent. They should be able to tell you the next steps to sort this out.

  2. Check with the Merchant: Sometimes it’s just a mistake on their end. Reach out to them directly and get them to confirm whether they've charged you twice by mistake. If they have, they should be able to reverse one of the payments.

  3. Document Everything: Keep records of all communications with the bank and the merchant. This could be crucial if things need to be escalated.

  4. Monitor Your Accounts Closely: Keep an eye on your account to see that the duplicate payment is refunded. If anything else looks odd, report it immediately.

Act quickly to get this sorted out! These kinds of issues can be a real headache, but staying on top of them is key to getting your finances back on track.

Don't Panic!

What's the Best Way to Respond?

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I understand, duplicate payments can be stressful. Take a deep breath, let's figure this out together. It's likely there's a simple explanation.

Here's what we can do:

  • Can you tell me a bit more about the transaction? Knowing the amount and maybe the merchant name might help us figure out if it's a duplicate or just a pending transaction.
  • Have you recently used online banking or made any payments that might be showing up twice? Sometimes things can take a day or two to clear.
  • Why don't we log in to your online banking together (if you're comfortable)? We can look at the transaction details and see if it clarifies things.

In the meantime, your bank won't penalize you for duplicate payments. They can easily be reversed.

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With a bit of calmness and reassurance any of these problems can be overcome pretty quickly. If you have really had a run-in with a scammer, your bank should still be able to help you. Your bank is insured against you being defrauded and can access funds to help resolve payments that clearly should have been investigated before they were sent.

What Should I Do if I do not Recognize a Transaction on my Bank Statement?

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If you don't recognize a transaction on your bank statement, it's important to act quickly to address the issue. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Review Your Transactions: Sometimes, the name that appears on your statement may not immediately ring a bell. Review your recent receipts and transaction history to see if it might be a purchase you forgot about or a billing descriptor that looks different from the store or service name.

  2. Contact the Merchant: If the transaction slightly rings a bell or you think you might know the merchant, try contacting them directly for more information about the purchase.

  3. Check with Family Members: Ask other people who might have access to your account if they recognize the transaction. This includes family members or anyone who might use the card with your permission.

  4. Report to Your Bank: If you’re still unsure about the transaction after these checks, contact your bank immediately. Most banks have fraud detection services and can offer immediate assistance. They might temporarily freeze your card to prevent further unauthorized transactions and investigate the disputed charge.

  5. Follow Up: Keep track of your bank’s investigation and follow up as necessary. Make sure you are informed about the process and any actions you need to take.

  6. Monitor Your Accounts: Regularly check your bank statements and account balances. Set up alerts for your banking transactions if your bank offers this service.

  7. Update Your Security Settings: Consider updating your account passwords and PINs. Implement additional security measures recommended by your bank, such as two-factor authentication.

Here's what you can do if you find an unrecognized transaction on your bank statement:

  • Investigate the transaction details:

    • Check the date, amount, location, and merchant name.
    • See if any details jog your memory about a recent purchase.
  • Verify with others on the account:

    • If you have a joint account holder, ask them if they recognize the transaction.
  • Consider regular payments:

    • Is it a recurring payment like a subscription or direct debit you might have forgotten about?
  • Check for subscription renewals:

    • Did you sign up for a free trial that might have converted to a paid subscription?
  • Unfamiliar business name:

    • Some companies trade under different names on bank statements. Search the name online to see if it matches a familiar business.
  • After investigating:

    • If it's a legitimate transaction, you can relax.
    • If you suspect fraud, report it to your bank immediately. They can guide you through the process of disputing the transaction and possibly freezing your account. Taking these steps promptly can help secure your account and prevent potential financial loss. If you suspect the transaction might be part of a scam, particularly a complex one like a boiler room scam, it's crucial to remain vigilant. Educating yourself on the signs of such scams can be very beneficial. For more information on how to recognize and protect against various types of scams, including detailed examples, visiting specific resources like can be quite enlightening.

Any duplicate on your bank should be able to be remedied either by your bank or with the vendor that has taken the double payment. Either way there is no cause for concern unless you find there to be a fraudulent transaction and even then the bank is insured against your loss and should be able to reverse or refund your loss of account or savings.

Have a look at: What to do after being scammed by professionals To see what to do after a double charge on your bank statement. If you have been a victim of personal fraud.


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